Life of Galileo – May 30 – Convocation Hall

Small Wooden Shoe stages a reading of Brecht’s Life of Galileo

7pmSunday, May 30thConvocation Hall

By donation to The Actors’ Fund of Canada
Tickets will be available at the door starting at 6pm
Doors open by 6:30pm

A staged reading of a great play in a great hall with a great cast and with the humblest of thanks.

35 or so of Toronto’s theatre, music and film community come together to read a new translation of Brecht’s Life of Galileo – an ever-relevant story about the complicated relationships between power, history, individuals and freedom of thought.

This night, this reading, is thanks to Tracy Wright. In more way than I can express, she is what makes it possible – what brings us together to do this crazy thing. And people who make crazy things possible are always in need of thanks. Tracy has made many crazy, beautiful things possible.

Tracy Wright passed away June 22, 2010. A letter Don wrote can be read here. I miss you Tracy, and am thankful you were in my life.

This one’s for her.

Fiona Highet will read the part of Galileo.

Joining her in this landmark event are Andrea Davis, Andrea Donaldson, Ann-Marie MacDonald, BrendanGall, Cara Gee, Caroline Gillis, Clinton Walker, Daniel MacIvor, Darren O’Donnell, David Fox, Earl Pastko, Erin Shields, Evan Webber, Frank Cox-O’Connell, Gregory Prest, Guillermo Verdecchia, Kirsten Johnson, Lyon Smith, Matt Baram, Michelle Polak, Nadia Ross, Naomi Sniekus, Ravi Jain, Richard Allen Campbell, Robin Fulford, Sky Gilbert, Tony Nappo and more. This group of collaborators spans several generations of great Toronto independent and contemporary theatre makers coming together for one night only.

Toronto musicians Laura Barrett and Matt Murphy provide the live soundtrack to this momentous event.

We thank you for your support and hope to see you on the 30th

– Jacob Zimmer

All proceeds will go to The Actors’ Fund of Canada. With over 10,000 professional members, The Actors’ Fund provides emergency financial aid to assist cultural workers in recovering from an illness, injury or other circumstances causing severe economic and personal hardship.

Made possible with the support of the Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council
And the assistance of Canadian Stage’s Festival of Ideas and Creation and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

Life of Galileo
Directed by Jacob Zimmer with Brendan Healy
Translated by Birgit Schreyer Duarte with Jacob Zimmer
16mm film: Mark Loeser
Artistic Producer: Erika Hennebury
Associate Producer: Leora Morris
Stage Managed by Maria Popoff
Photograph of Tracy Wright: Guntar Kravis
Portrait of Tracy Wright: Kirsten Johnson
Lots of help: Naomi Campbell, Richard Feren, Jennifer Jimenez, Sherrie Johnson, Chris Lorway, Maureen O’Donnell, JP Robichaud, Trevor Schwellnus

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