Dancemakers development for The Adpatation Project
Antigone Dead People planning and plotting.
Upper Toronto planning and plotting.
JZ travels to the PuSh Festival to pitch Antigone Dead People and see some shows.
Upper Toronto at Parkdale Arts and Recreation Centre.
JZ attends EMERGENCE: A Symposium on Community Arts Practice
Boys who say no (with Frank Cox-O’Connell on drums) release their very good CD
Speak to Sky Gilbert’s grad students at University of Guelph on Realism
Recreational Play Acting 1 starts. Using Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards to teach non-actors some of the helpful things about acting.
JZ takes How to talk to people about things – Misha Glouberman’s very good negotiation class.
Wooster Group visit Toronto. Always a pleasure
JZ does some work as a dramaturgical advisor for the Looking Glass Collective in Hamilton.
JZ joins the Imagining Toronto Panel at the Kofler Centre to talk Upper Toronto
Evan Webber and Frank Cox-O’Connell perform Ajax and Little Illiad at Harbourfront Centre’s World Stage to much deserved praise.
JZ serves as dramaturge for Dancemakers’ The Adaptation Project
Launch Perhaps in a Hundred Years Indiegogo campaign.
Small Wooden Shoe Reads Difficult Plays and Sings Simple Songs #1. A new series, curated by Leora Morris with some interference from me, we get together and read a difficult play and sing a simple song. Great evenings out at our secret location.
Upper TorontoScenario Planning planning with Tim Maly and Peg Lahm
Perhaps in a Hundred Years at the OFFTA. Thanks to your support, Chad, Ame, Kilby and I perform at the OFFTA – adding a show by popular demand and meeting lots of wonderful people. Feels great to be back in Montreal.
Upper Toronto Scenario Planning. Teams are assembled and semi-random world events are predicted. Scenario’s are created.
JZ travels to Caravan Farm Theatre to assist Artistic Director Courtney Dobey direction Right Robert – a new play by Sean Dixon.
Minor Expletives – the blog gets more regular posts including a much read and talked about public application to Factory Theatre.
Enjoyed the Farm and working with a great team.
Prepared for Antigone Dead People
Took some early steps to learning guitar and story telling for Sedition
First set of inspiring get togethers to talk Public Recordings Performance Projects and how we can all work better.
Sedition or Kindness Makes Me Cry Like Nothing Else at Summerworks
Small Wooden Shoe Reads Difficult Plays and Sings Simple Songs #2
planned for Antigone Dead People
welcomed Theatreworks Productions to the Antigone Dead People team.
started volunteering at AIDS Committee of Toronto as a Support Group Facilitator.
Small Wooden Shoe Reads Difficult Plays and Sings Simple Songs #3Koerner Hall and Nuit Blanche edition. Got to read, late at night, in a gorgeous hall with wonderful people.
Joined Dancemakers for a few days of Viewpoints to welcome new company.
Antigone Dead People at the Tranzac. Amazing group of collaborators, 3 great performances.
Research with Dancemakers on loveloss
Populism, Affect and Sedition – part talk, part performance at the University of Waterloo.
Second edition of Populism, Affect and Sedition – this time as part Dancemakers study group
Launched Minor Expletives – the Podcast – the beginning of making more things to listen to, read and watch. The first edition is audio from the populism talk.