2012 Big list of thanks

Along with choir singing (ours, where we sing 3penny Opera, is on Sunday the 30thclick here)It’s the time of year for lists, including lists of people – so I thought I’d make one of the people I’ve been blessed to collaborate with at Small Wooden Shoe this year.

More or less in chronological order, there are many repeat offenders and new friends. It was a special and busy year for us. Thank you all. (and please forgive me if I’ve missed you.)

Our lovely Board of Directors: Naomi Campbell, Fiona Highet, JP Robichaud, Carl Wilson.

OAC Playwright in Residence: Evan Webber

Upper Toronto: Tim Maly, Constance Tsang, Matthew McLean, Peg Lahn, Sasha Plotnikova.

Recreational Play Acting Participants: Jessica Cattaneo, Andrew Eckart, Haran Aruliah, Jillian Rogin, Mohamed Khimji

Perhaps in a Hundred Years: Ame Henderson, Chad Dembski, Kilby Smith McGregor.

Small Wooden Shoe Reads Difficult Plays and Sings Simple Songs: Leora Morris, Christine Brubacker, Bruce Beaton, Eric Goulem, Hannah Cheesman, Eleanor Hewlings, James Cade, Rylan Wilkie, Marc Tellez, Evan Webber, Stewart Arnott, Frank Cox-O’connell, Miranda Calderon, Sean Dixon, John Gilbert, Erin Brubacher, Erin Shields, Amiel Gladstone, Matthew Macfadzean, Lindsey Clark, Frank Cox-O’Connell, Sean Dixon, Liz Peterson, Scott Maynard, Gregory Prest, Laura Barrett, Henry Svec, Thom Gill

Antigone Dead People: Evan Webber, Maev Beaty, Philip Shepherd, Liz Peterson, Frank Cox-O’Connell, Sean Dixon, Sky Gilbert, Lindsey Clark, Antonio Cayonne, Leora Morris, Marcie Januska, JP Robichaud, Trevor Schwellnus, Christopher Willes, Vanessa Fischer, Erika Hennebury.

3penny Christmas Concert: Scott Maynard, Jessie Fraser, Justin Hiscox and the rest TBA…

Our hosts, partners and friends: the OFFTA in Montreal; Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre, Theatreworks Productions, Tranzac Club, Koerner Hall, The Monarch Tavern, our undisclosed location, Public Recordings, Aluna Theatre, Dancemakers and Centre for CreationTheatre Passe Muraille, Factory Theatre, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.

and to all the people who supported us by making donations
Alison Zimmer, Andrew Soren, Andy McKim, Ann Brophy, Anonymous (4), Bethan Lloyd, Bob Lloyd, Bonnie Kim, Brian Lloyd, Cathy Gordon, Chris Lloyd, Chris Zimmer, Christopher Dupuis, Claudine Hubert, Daniel Arcé, Daniel Karasik, Daniel Mroz, David Demchuk, DD Kugler, Dustin Harvey, Emily Pearlman, Erin Brandenburg, Erin Brubacher, Evan Webber, Fiona Highet, Gaile McGregor, Gillian Lewis, Jillian Rogin, Karen Henderson, Laura Nanni, Lori Duncan, Maev Beaty, Marco Posadas, Mark Loeser and Christine Latimer, Matthew Jocelyn, Matthew Payne, Michael Rubenfeld, Michael Trent, Muriel Zimmer, Naomi Campbell, Robert Plowman, Roxanne Duncan, Rupal Shah, Sean O’Neill, Susanna Hood, Tai Zimmer, Tedd Robinson, Tim Maly, Trevor Schwellnus, Vikki Anderson, Vivian & Julian Cattaneo,

As well as our government supporters: the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council

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