My questions include
How to build up from:
“There is a community of people called to and experienced at practicing and sharing experiences
that brings value and meaning to the lives of others and themselves. And we (society) want to make sure that that can happen.”
Rather than from:
“I paid for a business licence and that entity must survive at all costs. Or else people starve and suffer. And we (society) don’t want that either.”
So the mechanisms of debt and precarity are applied
And most of the profits go to the landowners and the banks.
I believe so strongly in the first.
And that it must be possible without the second.
Without evidence (at scale).
This then,
is my faith
I grew up in
the consequences of
questionable economic incentives
Both the benefits
and the lasting pain (debt, dislocation)
Which was personal and which also
might be a story of Nova Scotia
since the end of the wooden boat era
and certainly since the cod fishery “went away.”
(cf questionable economic incentives)
And also,
The emotional and the political materialist
understanding of a word
can both be true
(Because they are.)
Our metaphors
are all I have
and they have gotten away from me?
Late night on returns and garbage drops
with Trevor Schwellnus.
In 2007 –
Frustrated at the theft and corruption of our metaphors and language.
English, in becoming “the language of business”
becomes a language of business.
And we,
Who make things that aren’t (only) business,
Are the ones who are to defend it
Not by (only)
Refusing to use the language
Rather (mostly)
By making better use of it.
And to me “it” — the magic of language –
includes the pedestrian; the colloquial ; the endless vernaculars;
the language of markets; and grant speak; and art speak; and the great renowned poets and the even greater un-famous poets and the … etc… all of it.
All that to say,
I want humans and our caring and creative practices to continue
and I hear and see that, in the current conditions,
(and the ones just previous)
Those practices tied
to leases and landlords and banks and debt
and I don’t even know how to think about
the different world.
and maybe that’s the work…
Make some attempts at how.
Finding better questions
Same as it’s ever been.