Theatre history poems

The lights are just an expression of the philosophical position.The forth wall has been wrapped around the heart and mind of the actor.She may know that other people are around her on stage and off. But she has been directed not to see them anyways, to spend most of her acting energy on pretending that the current conditions are different.

Conte D’Amour and self-aware problems

Conte D’Amour – which ends it’s run tonight at Harbourfront Centre has been the cause of much chatter on the internet. From a zero-star review in the Globe to reviews not worth linking to, with lots of Facebook stuff thrown into the mix. If you like this discussion, you might like the CopyCat Academy that’s […]

Hammer OK/OK/OK – Intimating the Intimate

A few Fridays ago, I went to Hub 14 to see Chad Dembski and Cathy Gordon’s Hammer OK/OK/OK. Both were vulnerable and generous, honest and raw. Both Chad and Cathy are great performers, artists who have a wealth of experience and skills at being vulnerable and generous, honest and raw. They have the internal dramaturgy […]

Images Festival: Material surprise

I caught two programs at the Images Festival this weekend and wondered if –The nature of surprise is different in analog and digital (for the sake of a very digital either/or I’m including live performance in analog and – importantly for my experience at Images – including film as opposed to digital video) maybe In analog, […]