We could, some say, build a society that pays everyone “enough” in the model of endless growth.
Tag: covid
Fragments of fragments
I notice that the ensembles are best able to respond in this moment.
Designing the Organization of small groups?
We need more organization and social wisdom and grace because of the small scale – often precarious and messy but also specific and invaluable. (us cool kids call it “emergent”)
And almost entirely ignored by the “thought leadership” / globalized consultancy of OD – because, as above, there’s no “market” there.
Types of teams
I want a group of weirdos who have chops, care and have played the game, but also still know how to be human and playful.
“Traditional Theatre”
People getting together and making each other delighted by behaving a little odd… that’s traditional theatre.
“Traditional theatre” isn’t people sitting in 1 direction with only half the room lit. That’s the radical theatre of Empire.
“What’s next” … of many
This is how theatre started and there’s little risk of that going away.
Notes from a call
What else could be true? For me, this is not an “art for art sake” / “follow your heart” thing that ignores the relation with context and community but the opposite – an admission of the entanglement and complexities.
Planning for things to change
we, who believe in the touch and the present body / and the potential for exchange and transformation / how will we, locally and in networks, / contribute to that return
My Questions Include / Our Metaphors
How to build up from:
“There is a community of people called to
and expert at
sharing and practicing something
that brings value and meaning to their lives and the lives of others.”