Most of my life I’ve spent loving and standing with people as we demand the state do better.
Tag: fragments
Keeping it simple.
There is a ladder of expectations that are so engrained into the culture I grew up in – Canada 80’s – that even my radical parents were only able to complicate – not remove them entirely. (And the way that they’re complicated aren’t always helpful.)
Fragments of fragments
I notice that the ensembles are best able to respond in this moment.
Category Error: Box office
The revenue problem is a side effect of a relevance problem. The relevance problem is a side effect of experience problems.
Designing the Organization of small groups?
We need more organization and social wisdom and grace because of the small scale – often precarious and messy but also specific and invaluable. (us cool kids call it “emergent”)
And almost entirely ignored by the “thought leadership” / globalized consultancy of OD – because, as above, there’s no “market” there.
It takes everyone for a quiet yes and only one for a loud no
I wrote in the desire for a quiet improvisation
a desire for non-vocal informed consent to quiet.
Types of teams
I want a group of weirdos who have chops, care and have played the game, but also still know how to be human and playful.
Theatre history poems
The lights are just an expression of the philosophical position.The forth wall has been wrapped around the heart and mind of the actor.She may know that other people are around her on stage and off. But she has been directed not to see them anyways, to spend most of her acting energy on pretending that the current conditions are different.